Union County Chapter
of the Ohio Genealogical Society
Welcome friends!

Our Mission
Our mission is to promote and nurture an interest in genealogy by providing instruction, information, and inspiration, while encouraging members and others in the development of family histories and genealogical records, for the benefit of future generations.
About Us
We are very proud of our history. We can trace our beginnings back to 1979. Our charter was granted by the Ohio Genealogical Society in 1980. Today we continue to preserve the genealogies of Union County and the surrounding area. We also welcome any one to join our society, whether or not they have Union County roots.
Next Meeting
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Meetings are held at
of each month
Marysville Public Library
231 South Plum Street
Membership in our society runs from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Included is a subscription to our bi-monthly newsletter, "Union County Echoes.". A member may submit unlimited queries to our newsletter and offers the opportunity to join our lineage societies. *NEW* Members now have online access to our meetings and recordings of our meetings!

We offer many publications available for sale. Please follow the link provided for a list of our publications along with a printable order form.
We currently have several online collections that are available free to all. These collections include an index to our obituary collection, birth registrations, birth corrections from 1856-1860, the marriage registry from 1856-1860, and children's home records from 1884-1907.
Several more collections have recently been added to our members only section. Join our society to find out more!

All fourteen of our townships contain multiple cemeteries. We have digitalized copies of the WPA maps for many of these cemeteries. We are working to include driving directions and brief histories of all cemeteries known to have existed in Union County. Our cemetery books are now available via the members only section of this website.